
Protect Home Appliances and Extend Performancekeep your home protected from power surges

A power surge is a spike in voltage that can be harmful to appliances and electrical devices in your home. An increase in voltage above an appliance’s normal operating voltage can cause serious damages to appliances. Surges can create an arc of electrical current within the appliance and the heat generated in the arc causes damage to the electronic circuit boards and other electrical components.

There are several sources of power surges. They can originate from the electric utility company, lightning strikes and they can even originate inside a home when large appliances like air conditioners and refrigerator motors turn on and off.

No matter the source of the power surge it can leave behind thousands of dollars in damaged devices that need to be replaced. It will also cost you time and energy to go through your insurance company and coordinate replacement and installation of new appliances. Here are just some of the issues that power surges can create:


  • Thousands of dollars in damages to major appliances and personal devices
  • Loss of personal income to miss work to coordinate installations of new appliances
  • Loss of personal time dealing with insurance company
  • Possible increase in your insurance premiums

Make sure you protect your vulnerable and expensive devices with  the Green Power Box whole home surge protector. Our device stops surges in their tracks and directs the flow of electricity away from your home wiring and devices.

While there is no absolute protecting against power surges, especially those caused by direct lightning strikes, a whole home surge protector vastly improves the chances of your major appliances surviving.

The Green Power Box will help you:

  • Save between 12% to 30% on your electric bills
  • Protect your major appliances from damaging power surges
  • Keep your appliances running efficiently
are you ready to start saving?

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Green Power Box really works! The team did a demonstration at my house and made it simple for me to understand the device. Now I actually see the savings each month on my electric bill. Thanks Green Box. I’m telling my neighbors about this.

Janice F.
Orlando, FL

want to protect your home appliances?